Tabular data predictions

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

%matplotlib inline
%reload_ext autoreload
from fastai import *
from fastai.tabular import *


The goal of this exercise was to be able to predict premier league match results based on historical performances of teams with reasonable accuracy using the paper by Geetanjali Tewari and Krishna Kartik Darsipudi as a reference using Fastai.

I pulled the data for this exercise from and football-data


The dataset is from the English premier league for the last 10 seasons. However, well use just the last 3 seasons to predict the outcome of 40 matches from season 2018-2019.

More recent datasets are available on with subscriptions.

DATA_PATH = Path('/home/sidravic/Dropbox/code/workspace/football-data/footystats/epl/data')

Summary of the dataset

A quick peak at the dataset shows 380 rows for a season with 62 columns. I’ve got a lot of features and it would make sense to use key map to quickly get an idea of what the fields indicate.

A sample of the season 2018-19 looks like this.

s1819_df = pd.read_csv(DATA_PATH/'season-1819_csv.csv')
0 E0 10/08/2018 Man United Leicester 2 1 H 1 0 H ... 1.79 17 -0.75 1.75 1.70 2.29 2.21 1.55 4.07 7.69
1 E0 11/08/2018 Bournemouth Cardiff 2 0 H 1 0 H ... 1.83 20 -0.75 2.20 2.13 1.80 1.75 1.88 3.61 4.70
2 E0 11/08/2018 Fulham Crystal Palace 0 2 A 0 1 A ... 1.87 22 -0.25 2.18 2.11 1.81 1.77 2.62 3.38 2.90
3 E0 11/08/2018 Huddersfield Chelsea 0 3 A 0 2 A ... 1.84 23 1.00 1.84 1.80 2.13 2.06 7.24 3.95 1.58
4 E0 11/08/2018 Newcastle Tottenham 1 2 A 1 2 A ... 1.81 20 0.25 2.20 2.12 1.80 1.76 4.74 3.53 1.89
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
375 E0 12/05/2019 Liverpool Wolves 2 0 H 1 0 H ... 2.31 22 -1.50 1.98 1.91 2.01 1.95 1.32 5.89 9.48
376 E0 12/05/2019 Man United Cardiff 0 2 A 0 1 A ... 2.95 21 -2.00 2.52 2.32 1.72 1.64 1.30 6.06 9.71
377 E0 12/05/2019 Southampton Huddersfield 1 1 D 1 0 H ... 2.29 22 -1.50 2.27 2.16 1.80 1.73 1.37 5.36 8.49
378 E0 12/05/2019 Tottenham Everton 2 2 D 1 0 H ... 2.07 19 -0.50 2.13 2.08 1.85 1.80 1.91 3.81 4.15
379 E0 12/05/2019 Watford West Ham 1 4 A 0 2 A ... 2.44 19 -0.50 2.25 2.19 1.78 1.72 2.11 3.86 3.41

380 rows × 62 columns

Getting rid of bookie data attributes

Each season contains a lot of bookie related information which is not directly relevant to the game so I’ll ignore those. However, it’s an interesting exercise to determine which bets would be the most rewarding but I’m going to skip that for now.

I’m going to use the key file available here to filter out columns that are relevant to the game.

I’ve also create a few helper methods to parse out text and fix the date formats in the different CSV files. The date format in the 2018-2019 season is the DD-MM-YYYY format while the others use DD-MM-YY format. So fixing this upfront allows us to use the Date attribute to build a sorted by time dataframe.

This is relevant as the form of a team is calculated based on their last few performances.

cols = """
Div = League Division
Date = Match Date (dd/mm/yy)
Time = Time of match kick off
HomeTeam = Home Team
AwayTeam = Away Team
FTHG and HG = Full Time Home Team Goals
FTAG and AG = Full Time Away Team Goals
FTR and Res = Full Time Result (H=Home Win, D=Draw, A=Away Win)
HTHG = Half Time Home Team Goals
HTAG = Half Time Away Team Goals
HTR = Half Time Result (H=Home Win, D=Draw, A=Away Win)
Attendance = Crowd Attendance
Referee = Match Referee
HS = Home Team Shots
AS = Away Team Shots
HST = Home Team Shots on Target
AST = Away Team Shots on Target
HHW = Home Team Hit Woodwork
AHW = Away Team Hit Woodwork
HC = Home Team Corners
AC = Away Team Corners
HF = Home Team Fouls Committed
AF = Away Team Fouls Committed
HFKC = Home Team Free Kicks Conceded
AFKC = Away Team Free Kicks Conceded
HO = Home Team Offsides
AO = Away Team Offsides
HY = Home Team Yellow Cards
AY = Away Team Yellow Cards
HR = Home Team Red Cards
AR = Away Team Red Cards
HBP = Home Team Bookings Points (10 = yellow, 25 = red)
ABP = Away Team Bookings Points (10 = yellow, 25 = red)

def split_lines(cols_str): return cols_str.split("\n")
def filter_blanks(cols:list): return list(filter(None, cols))      
def split_item(item): return item.split(" = ", maxsplit=1)
def trim_item(val): return (val[0].strip(), val[1].strip())

def get_valid_cols(cols):
    valid_cols = split_lines(cols)
    valid_cols = filter_blanks(valid_cols)
    valid_cols = [tuple(split_item(item))  for item in valid_cols ]    
    valid_cols = dict(list(map(trim_item, valid_cols)))
    return valid_cols
all_cols = get_valid_cols(cols)
{'Div': 'League Division',
 'Date': 'Match Date (dd/mm/yy)',
 'Time': 'Time of match kick off',
 'HomeTeam': 'Home Team',
 'AwayTeam': 'Away Team',
 'FTHG and HG': 'Full Time Home Team Goals',
 'FTAG and AG': 'Full Time Away Team Goals',
 'FTR and Res': 'Full Time Result (H=Home Win, D=Draw, A=Away Win)',
 'HTHG': 'Half Time Home Team Goals',
 'HTAG': 'Half Time Away Team Goals',
 'HTR': 'Half Time Result (H=Home Win, D=Draw, A=Away Win)',
 'Attendance': 'Crowd Attendance',
 'Referee': 'Match Referee',
 'HS': 'Home Team Shots',
 'AS': 'Away Team Shots',
 'HST': 'Home Team Shots on Target',
 'AST': 'Away Team Shots on Target',
 'HHW': 'Home Team Hit Woodwork',
 'AHW': 'Away Team Hit Woodwork',
 'HC': 'Home Team Corners',
 'AC': 'Away Team Corners',
 'HF': 'Home Team Fouls Committed',
 'AF': 'Away Team Fouls Committed',
 'HFKC': 'Home Team Free Kicks Conceded',
 'AFKC': 'Away Team Free Kicks Conceded',
 'HO': 'Home Team Offsides',
 'AO': 'Away Team Offsides',
 'HY': 'Home Team Yellow Cards',
 'AY': 'Away Team Yellow Cards',
 'HR': 'Home Team Red Cards',
 'AR': 'Away Team Red Cards',
 'HBP': 'Home Team Bookings Points (10 = yellow, 25 = red)',
 'ABP': 'Away Team Bookings Points (10 = yellow, 25 = red)'}
betting_cols = ['B365H', 'B365D', 'B365A', 'BWH', 'BWD', 'BWA', 'IWH', 'IWD', 'IWA', 'PSH', 'PSD',
 'PSA', 'WHH', 'WHD', 'WHA', 'VCH', 'VCD', 'VCA', 'Bb1X2', 'BbMxH', 'BbAvH', 'BbMxD', 'BbAvD',
 'BbMxA', 'BbAvA', 'BbOU', 'BbMx>2.5', 'BbAv>2.5', 'BbMx<2.5', 'BbAv<2.5', 'BbAH', 'BbAHh', 'BbMxAHH',
 'BbAvAHH', 'BbMxAHA', 'BbAvAHA', 'PSCH', 'PSCD', 'PSCA']

Creating a list of bookie attributes columns

So I’ve created a list of columns that are bookie attributes and we simply filter those out from the dataframe. Nothing fancy here.

The get_col_name is a simple helper function to quickly lookup the column’s name from the abbreviation. This comes in handy when defining continuous and categorical variables.

def get_col_name(col_abbr): 
    name = []
    key_vals = []
    col_name = all_cols.get(col_abbr, None)   
    if col_name:
        possible_cols = list(filter(lambda s:s.startswith(col_abbr), all_cols.keys()))        
        [name.append(all_cols[key]) for key in possible_cols]
        key_vals = key_vals + possible_cols    
    return name, key_vals

def remove_betting_cols(df):
    return df.loc[:, ~df.columns.isin(betting_cols)]

(['Home Team Shots on Target'], ['HST'])

Build Data set of 3 seasons

  1. Uniform date format for all seasons
  2. Append all seasons info into a single dataframe
  3. Compute winning streaks

This is actualy code for loading the dataset and fixing the date format. I’ll improve this further but for now this creates a single dataframe with information loaded from 3 seasons.

def fix_date(d, col='Date'): 
    def _fix_date(d):
        day, m, y = d.split('/')
        if len(y) == 2: return f'{day}/{m}/20{y}' 
        else: return d
    d[col] = d[col].apply(_fix_date)
    return d

def build_data_set(seasons=['1617', '1718', '1819']):
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    for season in seasons:
        df_ = pd.read_csv(DATA_PATH/f'season-{season}_csv.csv')
        df_ = remove_betting_cols(df_) 
        df_ = fix_date(df_, 'Date')  
        df_['Date'] = df_['Date'].astype('datetime64[ns]')
        df = df.append(df_)
    df.sort_values(by='Date',ascending=True, inplace=True)
    return df


data_df = build_data_set()
61 E0 2016-01-10 Hull Chelsea 0 2 A 0 0 D ... 15 5 7 2 2 0 0 7.00 4.40 1.50
63 E0 2016-01-10 Swansea Liverpool 1 2 A 1 0 H ... 9 3 10 2 2 0 0 7.50 4.75 1.44
64 E0 2016-01-10 Watford Bournemouth 2 2 D 0 1 A ... 12 4 5 3 4 0 0 2.38 3.25 3.25
65 E0 2016-01-10 West Ham Middlesbrough 1 1 D 0 0 D ... 12 4 5 2 3 0 0 2.20 3.40 3.50
62 E0 2016-01-10 Sunderland West Brom 1 1 D 0 1 A ... 13 6 5 1 3 0 0 2.40 3.20 3.25
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
375 E0 2019-12-05 Liverpool Wolves 2 0 H 1 0 H ... 11 4 1 0 2 0 0 NaN NaN NaN
376 E0 2019-12-05 Man United Cardiff 0 2 A 0 1 A ... 6 11 2 3 3 0 0 NaN NaN NaN
377 E0 2019-12-05 Southampton Huddersfield 1 1 D 1 0 H ... 6 4 3 0 1 0 0 NaN NaN NaN
378 E0 2019-12-05 Tottenham Everton 2 2 D 1 0 H ... 13 7 4 0 2 0 0 NaN NaN NaN
379 E0 2019-12-05 Watford West Ham 1 4 A 0 2 A ... 10 7 2 1 0 1 0 NaN NaN NaN

1140 rows × 26 columns

Inferred attributes

Now based on the paper there are certain attributes that represent the teams current form and the handicaps with which the team is playing.

The document highlights attributes for a team such as

  1. 3 game winning and losing streaks
  2. 5 game winning and losing streaks
  3. 3 game home winning streaks
  4. 5 game home winning streaks
  5. points accummalated in the last 4 games
  6. Number of yellow cards and reds cards
  7. Number of corners secured
  8. Half time goals scored among many others.

So we loop through each seasons document and aggregate this information and write the teams data onto a file.

The long and unwieldy compute_season method contains the meat of the computation but to follow the code I’d recommend beginning at the bottom at the prepare_model_data function.

def fix_date(d, col='Date'): 
    def _fix_date(d):
        day, m, y = d.split('/')
        if len(y) == 2: return f'{day}/{m}/20{y}' 
        else: return d
    d[col] = d[col].apply(_fix_date)
    return d
def build_season(season_df, season_year, debug=False):    
    for team in get_teams(season_df):
        if debug: print(f'Preparing {team} for {season_year}')
        compute_season_for(season_df, team, season_year,storage_path=TEAM_SEASON_PATH,debug=debug)    

def collate(season_year, storage_path=TEAM_SEASON_PATH, debug=False):
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    if debug: print(f'Collating season for {season_year}')        
    for file in glob.glob(f'{storage_path}/*_{season_year}.csv'):
        df_ = pd.read_csv(file)
        df = df.append(df_)    
    df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Date', 'HomeTeam', 'AwayTeam'], inplace=True)
    df.sort_values(by='Date', inplace=True, ascending=True)
    return df

def load_season(season, path=DATA_PATH, debug=False):
    if debug: print(f'Loading files for season {season}')
    df_ = pd.read_csv(path/f'season-{season}_csv.csv')
    df_ = remove_betting_cols(df_) 
    df_ = fix_date(df_, 'Date')  
    df_['Date'] = df_['Date'].astype('datetime64[ns]')  
    df_.sort_values(by='Date', ascending=True, inplace=True)
    return df_
def build_data_set(seasons=['1617'], storage_path=TEAM_SEASON_PATH, debug=False):
    for season in seasons:        
        df_ = load_season(season, path=DATA_PATH, debug=debug)        
        build_season(season_df=df_, season_year=season, debug=debug)           
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    for season in seasons: df = df.append(collate(season))      
    return df

def prepare_model_data(path, debug=True):
    df = build_data_set(seasons=['1617', '1718', '1819'], 
                     storage_path=TEAM_SEASON_PATH, debug=debug)
    if debug: print(f'Model data saved at {path.__str__()}/model_data.csv')
    return df
  1. This starts the process of creating the final dataset we’ll use to train our model. It calls the build_data_set method passing the seasons and a location to store the files it generates for each team per season.

  2. build_data_set loads the data from csvs, builds the season’s inferred attributes for each team (which is written to a file) and then once all the csvs for every team is generated it starts the collating (collate) the data and building a single dataframe which is returned to the prepare_model_data and persisted to another folder.

  3. the load_season function does the date fixing for us but now for all season csv we load and calls the build_season method. build_season is just a iteration manager method which calls the compute_season where we generate all the inferred attributes.

sdf = build_data_set(seasons=['1819'])

Computing inferred attributes

The methods below compute the inferred attributes and the names are fairly indicative of the function they perform.

I’ve created a few helper methods to work with individual teams and seasons such as

  1. get_teams - returns all the teams playing in league for that season
  2. get_team_seasons - returns the matches for a specific team for a specific season.
  3. match_for - is just a generator function which makes it easy to loop through the games in each season.
  4. game_location - tells us if the team (in consideration) played the match as an “Away team” or the “Home team”.
  5. get_result is a helper that determines if a game was won or lost (for the team under consideration)
  6. goal_difference - calculates goal difference
  7. get_streak - is a closure which is used to compute different kinds of streaks (3,5 win/loss, home-win/home-loss, away-win/away-loss) streaks. We use this in the compute method.
  8. matches_before - returns the matches for a team before a specific date. This is needed to compute the points earned in the last 4 matches and is useful in determining the form in which the team is.
def get_teams(df): return sorted(set(df['HomeTeam'].values))
def get_team_season(team, df):
    return df[((df['HomeTeam'] == team) | (df['AwayTeam'] == team))].copy()

def matches_for(team, df):
    team_season_df = get_team_season(team, df)
    for idx, row in team_season_df.iterrows():
        yield team, row

def game_location(team, match): 
    return 'A' if match.AwayTeam == team else 'H'
def get_result(team, match):
    if match.FTR == "D": return match.FTR
    elif ((match.FTR == "A" and match.AwayTeam == team) or 
         (match.FTR == "H" and match.HomeTeam == team)): return "W"
    else: return "L"
def goal_difference(game_loc, match):
    if game_loc == 'A':
        return ((match.FTAG - match.FTHG), (match.HTAG - match.HTHG))        
        return ((match.FTHG - match.FTAG), (match.HTHG - match.HTAG))         

def get_streak(streak, streak_size, win_loss):
    def win_streak(streak): 
        return ((len(set(streak))==1) and streak[-1] == 'W' and len(streak) == streak_size)
    def loss_streak(streak): 
        return ((len(set(streak))==1) and streak[-1] == 'L' and len(streak) == streak_size)
    if len(streak) == 5: streak.pop(0)
    w = win_streak(streak[-1 * streak_size:])       
    l = loss_streak(streak[-1 * streak_size:])
    return (streak, w, l)
def matches_before_df(date, df):
    return df[df['Date'] < date]

def last_4_games_points(team, date, df):
    team_df = get_team_season(team, df)
    matches_df = matches_before_df(date, team_df).iloc[-4:]
    pts = 0
    for match in matches_df.iloc:    
        result = match.FTR        
        if result == 'D': pts += 1
        if result == 'A' and match.AwayTeam == 'Arsenal': pts += 3
        if result == 'H' and match.HomeTeam == 'Arsenal': pts += 3
    return pts

TEAM_SEASON_PATH = Path('/home/sidravic/Dropbox/code/workspace/football-data/notebooks/footy/EPL_Predictions/team_season_data')

def compute_season_for(season_df, tm, season_year, storage_path=TEAM_SEASON_PATH, debug=False):    
    results = []
    game_loc = []    
    ft_goal_difference = []
    ht_goal_difference = []  
    if debug: print(f'Computing season for {tm}')
    win3_counter, loss3_counter = 0, 0
    win5_counter, loss5_counter = 0, 0
    home_win3_counter, home_loss3_counter = 0,0
    home_win5_counter, home_loss5_counter = 0,0
    away_win3_counter, away_loss3_counter = 0,0
    away_win5_counter, away_loss5_counter = 0,0

    win_3_streak, loss_3_streak = [], []
    win_5_streak, loss_5_streak = [], []
    home_win_3_streak, home_loss_3_streak = [], []
    home_win_5_streak, home_loss_5_streak = [], []
    away_win_5_streak, away_loss_5_streak = [], []
    away_win_3_streak, away_loss_3_streak = [], []

    win3 = partial(get_streak, [], 3)
    win5 = partial(get_streak, [], 5)

    home_win3 = partial(get_streak, [], 3)
    away_win3 = partial(get_streak, [], 3)
    home_win5 = partial(get_streak, [], 5)
    away_win5 = partial(get_streak, [], 5)

    home_last4pts = []
    away_last4pts = []    
    for team, match in matches_for(tm, season_df):
        r = get_result(team, match)
        game_loc.append(game_location(team, match))
        ft_goal_diff, ht_goal_diff = goal_difference(game_loc[-1], match)

        _, win3_streak, loss3_streak = win3(r)
        if win3_streak: win3_counter += 1 
        if loss3_streak: loss3_counter += 1      

        _, win5_streak, loss5_streak = win5(r)
        if win5_streak: win5_counter += 1
        if loss5_streak: loss5_counter += 1

        # away win streak
        if game_loc == 'A':
            _, away_win3_streak, away_loss3_streak = away_win3(r)
            if away_win3_streak: away_win3_counter += 1
            if away_loss3_streak: away_loss3_counter +=1

            _, away_win5_streak, away_loss5_streak = away_win5(r)
            if away_win5_streak: away_win5_counter += 1
            if away_loss5_streak: away_loss5_counter +=1       
            _, home_win3_streak, home_loss3_streak = home_win3(r)
            if home_win3_streak: home_win3_counter += 1
            if home_loss3_streak: home_loss3_counter +=1

            _, home_win5_streak, home_loss5_streak = home_win5(r)
            if home_win5_streak: home_win5_counter += 1
            if home_loss5_streak: home_loss5_counter +=1


        # points in the last 4 games
        home_last4pts.append(last_4_games_points(match.HomeTeam, match.Date, season_df))
        away_last4pts.append(last_4_games_points(match.AwayTeam, match.Date, season_df))

    team_season_df = get_team_season(tm, season_df)    
    team_season_df['game_loc'] = game_loc
    team_season_df['ht_goal_difference'] = ht_goal_difference
    team_season_df['ft_goal_difference'] = ft_goal_difference
    team_season_df['win3_streak'] = win_3_streak
    team_season_df['loss3_streak'] = loss_3_streak
    team_season_df['win5_streak'] = win_5_streak
    team_season_df['loss5_streak'] = loss_5_streak
    team_season_df['away_win3_streak'] = away_win_3_streak
    team_season_df['away_win5_streak'] = away_win_5_streak
    team_season_df['away_loss3_streak'] = away_loss_3_streak
    team_season_df['away_loss5_streak'] = away_loss_5_streak
    team_season_df['home_win3_streak'] = home_win_3_streak
    team_season_df['home_win5_streak'] = home_win_5_streak
    team_season_df['home_loss3_streak'] = home_loss_3_streak
    team_season_df['home_loss5_streak'] = home_loss_5_streak
    team_season_df['home_last4pts'] = home_last4pts
    team_season_df['away_last4pts'] = away_last4pts
    if debug: print(f'Saved CSV for {tm}_{season_year}.csv')

def fix_date(d, col='Date'): 
    def _fix_date(d):
        day, m, y = d.split('/')
        if len(y) == 2: return f'{day}/{m}/20{y}' 
        else: return d
    d[col] = d[col].apply(_fix_date)
    return d
def build_season(season_df, season_year, debug=False):    
    for team in get_teams(season_df):
        if debug: print(f'Preparing {team} for {season_year}')
        compute_season_for(season_df, team, season_year,storage_path=TEAM_SEASON_PATH,debug=debug)    

def collate(season_year, storage_path=TEAM_SEASON_PATH, debug=False):
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    if debug: print(f'Collating season for {season_year}')        
    for file in glob.glob(f'{storage_path}/*_{season_year}.csv'):
        df_ = pd.read_csv(file)
        df = df.append(df_)    
    df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Date', 'HomeTeam', 'AwayTeam'], inplace=True)
    df.sort_values(by='Date', inplace=True, ascending=True)
    return df

def load_season(season, path=DATA_PATH, debug=False):
    if debug: print(f'Loading files for season {season}')
    df_ = pd.read_csv(path/f'season-{season}_csv.csv')
    df_ = remove_betting_cols(df_) 
    df_ = fix_date(df_, 'Date')  
    df_['Date'] = df_['Date'].astype('datetime64[ns]')  
    df_.sort_values(by='Date', ascending=True, inplace=True)
    return df_
def build_data_set(seasons=['1617'], storage_path=TEAM_SEASON_PATH, debug=False):
    for season in seasons:        
        df_ = load_season(season, path=DATA_PATH, debug=debug)        
        build_season(season_df=df_, season_year=season, debug=debug)           
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    for season in seasons: df = df.append(collate(season))      
    return df

def prepare_model_data(path, debug=True):
    df = build_data_set(seasons=['1617', '1718', '1819'], 
                     storage_path=TEAM_SEASON_PATH, debug=debug)
    if debug: print(f'Model data saved at {path.__str__()}/model_data.csv')
    return df

MODEL_DATA_PATH = Path('/home/sidravic/Dropbox/code/workspace/football-data/notebooks/footy/EPL_Predictions/data')
xdf = prepare_model_data(MODEL_DATA_PATH, debug=True)
Loading files for season 1617
Preparing Arsenal for 1617
Computing season for Arsenal
Saved CSV for Arsenal_1617.csv
Preparing Wolves for 1819
Computing season for Wolves
Saved CSV for Wolves_1819.csv
Model data saved at /home/sidravic/Dropbox/code/workspace/football-data/notebooks/footy/EPL_Predictions/data/model_data.csv

Time to train.

from fastai import *
from fastai.tabular import *


I then load the file generated as part of our preparation process. Since I generated our csv for training by generating csvs for each team for each season it was necessary to ensure I didn’t have duplicates.

MODEL_DATA_PATH = Path('/home/sidravic/Dropbox/code/workspace/football-data/notebooks/footy/EPL_Predictions/data')
df = pd.read_csv(MODEL_DATA_PATH/'model_data.csv')
Unnamed: 0 Unnamed: 0.1 Div Date HomeTeam AwayTeam FTHG FTAG FTR HTHG ... away_win3_streak away_win5_streak away_loss3_streak away_loss5_streak home_win3_streak home_win5_streak home_loss3_streak home_loss5_streak home_last4pts away_last4pts
0 0 62 E0 2016-01-10 Sunderland West Brom 1 1 D 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 65 E0 2016-01-10 West Ham Middlesbrough 1 1 D 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 63 E0 2016-01-10 Swansea Liverpool 1 2 A 1 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 64 E0 2016-01-10 Watford Bournemouth 2 2 D 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 61 E0 2016-01-10 Hull Chelsea 0 2 A 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1135 37 373 E0 2019-12-05 Fulham Newcastle 0 4 A 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1
1136 37 376 E0 2019-12-05 Man United Cardiff 0 2 A 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 3 5 1
1137 37 377 E0 2019-12-05 Southampton Huddersfield 1 1 D 1 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 7 0 4
1138 37 379 E0 2019-12-05 Watford West Ham 1 4 A 0 ... 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
1139 37 378 E0 2019-12-05 Tottenham Everton 2 2 D 1 ... 0 0 0 0 10 3 0 0 0 0

1140 rows × 45 columns

Index(['Unnamed: 0', 'Unnamed: 0.1', 'Div', 'Date', 'HomeTeam', 'AwayTeam',
       'FTHG', 'FTAG', 'FTR', 'HTHG', 'HTAG', 'HTR', 'Referee', 'HS', 'AS',
       'HST', 'AST', 'HF', 'AF', 'HC', 'AC', 'HY', 'AY', 'HR', 'AR', 'LBH',
       'LBD', 'LBA', 'game_loc', 'ht_goal_difference', 'ft_goal_difference',
       'win3_streak', 'loss3_streak', 'win5_streak', 'loss5_streak',
       'away_win3_streak', 'away_win5_streak', 'away_loss3_streak',
       'away_loss5_streak', 'home_win3_streak', 'home_win5_streak',
       'home_loss3_streak', 'home_loss5_streak', 'home_last4pts',

Some basic cleanup in getting rid of default columns generated by pandas.

df.drop(labels=['Unnamed: 0', 'Unnamed: 0.1'], inplace=True, axis=1)
df.drop(labels=['Div'], axis=1, inplace=True)
Date HomeTeam AwayTeam FTHG FTAG FTR HTHG HTAG HTR Referee ... away_win3_streak away_win5_streak away_loss3_streak away_loss5_streak home_win3_streak home_win5_streak home_loss3_streak home_loss5_streak home_last4pts away_last4pts
0 2016-01-10 Sunderland West Brom 1 1 D 0 1 A S Attwell ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2016-01-10 West Ham Middlesbrough 1 1 D 0 0 D N Swarbrick ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2016-01-10 Swansea Liverpool 1 2 A 1 0 H M Oliver ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 2016-01-10 Watford Bournemouth 2 2 D 0 1 A M Dean ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 2016-01-10 Hull Chelsea 0 2 A 0 0 D A Taylor ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1135 2019-12-05 Fulham Newcastle 0 4 A 0 2 A K Friend ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1
1136 2019-12-05 Man United Cardiff 0 2 A 0 1 A J Moss ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 3 5 1
1137 2019-12-05 Southampton Huddersfield 1 1 D 1 0 H L Probert ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 7 0 4
1138 2019-12-05 Watford West Ham 1 4 A 0 2 A C Kavanagh ... 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
1139 2019-12-05 Tottenham Everton 2 2 D 1 0 H A Marriner ... 0 0 0 0 10 3 0 0 0 0

1140 rows × 42 columns

Index(['Date', 'HomeTeam', 'AwayTeam', 'FTHG', 'FTAG', 'FTR', 'HTHG', 'HTAG',
       'HTR', 'Referee', 'HS', 'AS', 'HST', 'AST', 'HF', 'AF', 'HC', 'AC',
       'HY', 'AY', 'HR', 'AR', 'LBH', 'LBD', 'LBA', 'game_loc',
       'ht_goal_difference', 'ft_goal_difference', 'win3_streak',
       'loss3_streak', 'win5_streak', 'loss5_streak', 'away_win3_streak',
       'away_win5_streak', 'away_loss3_streak', 'away_loss5_streak',
       'home_win3_streak', 'home_win5_streak', 'home_loss3_streak',
       'home_loss5_streak', 'home_last4pts', 'away_last4pts'],

Splitting date attributes into continuous and categorical attributes.

This adds a lot of meaningful information on things like was the team playing well when they had to play a midweek game among other things.

This would be even more valuable if we added the Champions leagues and Europa league games the top clubs are involved in but I’m going to stick with this for now.

Notice the column count went up.

add_datepart(df, 'Date', drop=True)
HomeTeam AwayTeam FTHG FTAG FTR HTHG HTAG HTR Referee HS ... Day Dayofweek Dayofyear Is_month_end Is_month_start Is_quarter_end Is_quarter_start Is_year_end Is_year_start Elapsed
0 Sunderland West Brom 1 1 D 0 1 A S Attwell 7 ... 10 6 10 False False False False False False 1452384000
1 West Ham Middlesbrough 1 1 D 0 0 D N Swarbrick 19 ... 10 6 10 False False False False False False 1452384000
2 Swansea Liverpool 1 2 A 1 0 H M Oliver 8 ... 10 6 10 False False False False False False 1452384000
3 Watford Bournemouth 2 2 D 0 1 A M Dean 17 ... 10 6 10 False False False False False False 1452384000
4 Hull Chelsea 0 2 A 0 0 D A Taylor 8 ... 10 6 10 False False False False False False 1452384000
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1135 Fulham Newcastle 0 4 A 0 2 A K Friend 16 ... 5 3 339 False False False False False False 1575504000
1136 Man United Cardiff 0 2 A 0 1 A J Moss 26 ... 5 3 339 False False False False False False 1575504000
1137 Southampton Huddersfield 1 1 D 1 0 H L Probert 10 ... 5 3 339 False False False False False False 1575504000
1138 Watford West Ham 1 4 A 0 2 A C Kavanagh 17 ... 5 3 339 False False False False False False 1575504000
1139 Tottenham Everton 2 2 D 1 0 H A Marriner 11 ... 5 3 339 False False False False False False 1575504000

1140 rows × 54 columns

The default fastai library split doesn’t get it right

So the built in cont_cat_split categorizes continous variables with very few values as categorical but I manually declared the ones I wanted the model to treat as continuous. The next few lines show the split that fastai makes.

dep_var = 'FTR'
cont_names, cat_names = cont_cat_split(df, dep_var=dep_var)

Here is the manual specification of variables and the dependent variable. We use FTR - Full Time Result which has 3 categories ['A', 'D', 'H'] as the variable to predict.

This also provides me with the ability to predict the probability for a win for each team.

I add all the basic tabular transforms to

  1. fill missing variables (which we don’t have),
  2. categorize and encode categorical variables.
  3. Normalize continuous variables

I create the test,training and validation data sets and determine the learning rate. My validation data set is records between row indexes 900 and 1100 and the test set is the last 40 records in dataframe.

cont_names = ['HS', 'AS', 'HF', 'AF', 'LBH', 'LBD', 'LBA', 
              'FTHG', 'FTAG','HTHG','HTAG','HST', 'AST', 
              'HC', 'AC', 'HY', 'AY',
              'HR', 'AR', 'ht_goal_difference', 'ft_goal_difference',
              'loss3_streak', 'win5_streak', 'loss5_streak', 'away_win3_streak',
              'home_last4pts','away_last4pts','win3_streak', 'home_win3_streak',
              'Week', 'Day', 'Dayofyear', 'Elapsed']

cat_names = ['HomeTeam', 'AwayTeam', 'HTR', 'Referee']
procs = [FillMissing, Categorify, Normalize]
test = (TabularList.from_df(df.iloc[1100:1140].copy(), 
                            procs=procs) )

data = (TabularList.from_df(df, path=MODEL_DATA_PATH, 
                    .split_by_idx(list(range(900, 1100)))


Train: LabelList (940 items)
x: TabularList
HomeTeam Sunderland; AwayTeam West Brom; HTR A; Referee S Attwell; LBH_na False; LBD_na False; LBA_na False; HS -1.1770; AS 1.1988; HF -1.0876; AF 0.5638; LBH -0.2038; LBD -0.6903; LBA -0.3624; FTHG -0.4246; FTAG -0.1694; HTHG -0.7922; HTAG 0.6260; HST -0.9981; AST 1.3226; HC 0.0907; AC 0.1299; HY -0.4927; AY 0.9943; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference 0.8941; ft_goal_difference 0.1097; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.7835; away_last4pts -0.8329; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week -1.7115; Day -0.6029; Dayofyear -1.6613; Elapsed -2.1808; ,HomeTeam West Ham; AwayTeam Middlesbrough; HTR D; Referee N Swarbrick; LBH_na False; LBD_na False; LBA_na False; HS 0.8697; AS -0.4445; HF 0.6956; AF 0.2811; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.5185; LBA -0.3047; FTHG -0.4246; FTAG -0.1694; HTHG -0.7922; HTAG -0.7023; HST -0.9981; AST -0.3718; HC -0.5754; AC 0.1299; HY 0.3003; AY 0.9943; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference 0.0503; ft_goal_difference 0.1097; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.7835; away_last4pts -0.8329; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week -1.7115; Day -0.6029; Dayofyear -1.6613; Elapsed -2.1808; ,HomeTeam Swansea; AwayTeam Liverpool; HTR H; Referee M Oliver; LBH_na False; LBD_na False; LBA_na False; HS -1.0065; AS 1.4042; HF 0.1012; AF -0.5668; LBH 2.3357; LBD 0.6407; LBA -0.7804; FTHG -0.4246; FTAG 0.6731; HTHG 0.3993; HTAG -0.7023; HST -0.6346; AST 0.8990; HC -0.9085; AC 1.9573; HY 0.3003; AY 0.2167; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference 0.8941; ft_goal_difference -0.4110; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.7835; away_last4pts -0.8329; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week -1.7115; Day -0.6029; Dayofyear -1.6613; Elapsed -2.1808; ,HomeTeam Watford; AwayTeam Bournemouth; HTR A; Referee M Dean; LBH_na False; LBD_na False; LBA_na False; HS 0.5285; AS -0.0337; HF 1.8844; AF 0.2811; LBH -0.2138; LBD -0.6473; LBA -0.3624; FTHG 0.3299; FTAG 0.6731; HTHG -0.7922; HTAG 0.6260; HST 0.8194; AST -0.7954; HC -0.5754; AC 0.1299; HY 1.0933; AY 1.7719; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference -0.7936; ft_goal_difference 0.1097; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.7835; away_last4pts -0.8329; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week -1.7115; Day -0.6029; Dayofyear -1.6613; Elapsed -2.1808; ,HomeTeam Hull; AwayTeam Chelsea; HTR D; Referee A Taylor; LBH_na False; LBD_na False; LBA_na False; HS -1.0065; AS 2.2259; HF 0.6956; AF 1.1290; LBH 2.0867; LBD 0.3402; LBA -0.7666; FTHG -1.1792; FTAG 0.6731; HTHG -0.7922; HTAG -0.7023; HST -0.6346; AST 2.1698; HC -0.2424; AC 0.8608; HY 0.3003; AY 0.2167; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference 0.0503; ft_goal_difference -0.9316; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.7835; away_last4pts -0.8329; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week -1.7115; Day -0.6029; Dayofyear -1.6613; Elapsed -2.1808; 
y: CategoryList
Path: /home/sidravic/Dropbox/code/workspace/football-data/notebooks/footy/EPL_Predictions/data;

Valid: LabelList (200 items)
x: TabularList
HomeTeam Watford; AwayTeam Brighton; HTR H; Referee J Moss; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 0.8697; AS -1.0607; HF -0.1960; AF 1.4117; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG 0.3299; FTAG -1.0119; HTHG 0.3993; HTAG -0.7023; HST 0.0924; AST -1.6426; HC 0.7569; AC -0.9666; HY 0.3003; AY 0.2167; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference 0.8941; ft_goal_difference 1.1509; loss3_streak -0.2023; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.2023; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts 0.2870; away_last4pts -0.8329; win3_streak -0.1580; home_win3_streak -0.1580; Week 0.9939; Day -0.8237; Dayofyear 0.9797; Elapsed 1.3691; ,HomeTeam Wolves; AwayTeam Everton; HTR D; Referee C Pawson; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS -0.4948; AS -1.0607; HF -0.7904; AF -1.1320; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG 0.3299; FTAG 0.6731; HTHG 0.3993; HTAG 0.6260; HST -0.2711; AST 0.4754; HC -0.9085; AC 0.4954; HY -1.2857; AY -0.5609; HR -0.2275; AR 4.0092; ht_goal_difference 0.0503; ft_goal_difference 0.1097; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.2483; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week 0.9939; Day -0.8237; Dayofyear 0.9797; Elapsed 1.3691; ,HomeTeam Arsenal; AwayTeam Wolves; HTR A; Referee S Attwell; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS -0.6654; AS 0.1718; HF -0.4932; AF 1.4117; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG -0.4246; FTAG -0.1694; HTHG -0.7922; HTAG 0.6260; HST -0.6346; AST 0.4754; HC 1.7561; AC -0.9666; HY 0.3003; AY 0.2167; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference -0.7936; ft_goal_difference 0.1097; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak 0.2768; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak 0.2768; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts 4.5688; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak 0.5094; home_win3_streak 0.5094; Week 0.9939; Day -0.4926; Dayofyear 1.0059; Elapsed 1.3794; ,HomeTeam Man City; AwayTeam Man United; HTR H; Referee A Taylor; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 0.5285; AS -1.0607; HF 0.3984; AF 0.2811; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG 1.0845; FTAG -0.1694; HTHG 0.3993; HTAG -0.7023; HST 0.0924; AST -1.2190; HC -0.2424; AC -1.3321; HY -0.4927; AY -0.5609; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference 0.8941; ft_goal_difference 1.1509; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak 0.8374; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak 0.8374; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.7835; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak 1.5104; home_win3_streak 1.5104; Week 0.9939; Day -0.4926; Dayofyear 1.0059; Elapsed 1.3794; ,HomeTeam Liverpool; AwayTeam Fulham; HTR H; Referee P Tierney; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 1.0402; AS -0.6499; HF 0.1012; AF -0.5668; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG 0.3299; FTAG -1.0119; HTHG 0.3993; HTAG -0.7023; HST 0.8194; AST -0.3718; HC 0.0907; AC -0.6011; HY -0.4927; AY -0.5609; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference -0.7936; ft_goal_difference -0.9316; loss3_streak 1.2794; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak 0.9943; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak 1.2794; home_loss5_streak 0.9943; home_last4pts -0.2483; away_last4pts -0.8329; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week 0.9939; Day -0.4926; Dayofyear 1.0059; Elapsed 1.3794; 
y: CategoryList
Path: /home/sidravic/Dropbox/code/workspace/football-data/notebooks/footy/EPL_Predictions/data;

Test: LabelList (40 items)
x: TabularList
HomeTeam Everton; AwayTeam Arsenal; HTR H; Referee K Friend; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 1.5519; AS -0.8553; HF -0.7904; AF -0.5668; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG -0.4246; FTAG -1.0119; HTHG 0.3993; HTAG -0.7023; HST 0.4559; AST -0.7954; HC 1.0899; AC 0.4954; HY -0.4927; AY 1.7719; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference -0.7936; ft_goal_difference -0.4110; loss3_streak -0.2023; win5_streak 0.2768; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak 0.2768; home_loss3_streak -0.2023; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.2483; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak 1.1767; home_win3_streak 1.1767; Week -0.1128; Day -1.2652; Dayofyear -0.1309; Elapsed 2.1870; ,HomeTeam Chelsea; AwayTeam West Ham; HTR H; Referee C Kavanagh; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 0.3580; AS -0.4445; HF -0.7904; AF -1.1320; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG 0.3299; FTAG -1.0119; HTHG 0.3993; HTAG -0.7023; HST 0.8194; AST -0.7954; HC 0.4238; AC -0.2356; HY 0.3003; AY -0.5609; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference -0.7936; ft_goal_difference -0.9316; loss3_streak -0.2023; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.2023; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts 0.2870; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak -0.1580; home_win3_streak -0.1580; Week 0.1331; Day -1.2652; Dayofyear 0.1402; Elapsed 2.2935; ,HomeTeam Huddersfield; AwayTeam Arsenal; HTR A; Referee J Moss; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 0.1874; AS -0.4445; HF 1.8844; AF 0.2811; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG -0.4246; FTAG 0.6731; HTHG -0.7922; HTAG 1.9542; HST 0.4559; AST 0.0518; HC -0.2424; AC -1.6976; HY 1.0933; AY 0.2167; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference -1.6374; ft_goal_difference -0.4110; loss3_streak 5.7245; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak 8.6552; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak 5.7245; home_loss5_streak 8.6552; home_last4pts -0.2483; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week 0.4405; Day -1.4859; Dayofyear 0.3938; Elapsed 2.3932; ,HomeTeam Brighton; AwayTeam Burnley; HTR A; Referee S Attwell; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 0.3580; AS -0.4445; HF -0.7904; AF -1.1320; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG -0.4246; FTAG 1.5155; HTHG -0.7922; HTAG 0.6260; HST 0.4559; AST 0.4754; HC 1.0899; AC -0.6011; HY -0.4927; AY -0.5609; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference 0.8941; ft_goal_difference 1.1509; loss3_streak 2.2672; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak 2.2672; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts 0.8222; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week 0.4405; Day -1.4859; Dayofyear 0.3938; Elapsed 2.3932; ,HomeTeam Liverpool; AwayTeam Bournemouth; HTR H; Referee A Taylor; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 1.0402; AS 0.1718; HF 0.9928; AF -1.4147; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG 1.0845; FTAG -1.0119; HTHG 1.5908; HTAG -0.7023; HST 1.5465; AST -0.7954; HC 0.7569; AC 0.1299; HY 0.3003; AY 0.2167; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference -1.6374; ft_goal_difference -1.4522; loss3_streak -0.2023; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.2023; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.7835; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week 0.4405; Day -1.4859; Dayofyear 0.3938; Elapsed 2.3932; 
y: EmptyLabelList
Path: /home/sidravic/Dropbox/code/workspace/football-data/notebooks/footy/EPL_Predictions/data
HomeTeam AwayTeam HTR Referee LBH_na LBD_na LBA_na HS AS HF AF LBH LBD LBA FTHG FTAG HTHG HTAG HST AST HC AC HY AY HR AR ht_goal_difference ft_goal_difference loss3_streak win5_streak loss5_streak away_win3_streak away_win5_streak away_loss3_streak away_loss5_streak home_win5_streak home_loss3_streak home_loss5_streak home_last4pts away_last4pts win3_streak home_win3_streak Week Day Dayofyear Elapsed target
Everton West Brom A S Attwell False False False -0.8359 0.7880 1.2900 -0.2841 -0.3532 -0.7761 -0.2585 -0.4246 -0.1694 -0.7922 0.6260 -0.2711 0.4754 -1.9077 -0.6011 0.3003 -0.5609 -0.2275 -0.2492 -0.7936 0.1097 0.2916 -0.2839 -0.2825 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.2839 0.2916 -0.2825 -0.2483 0.2848 0.1757 0.1757 -1.5885 0.5008 -1.5739 0.3656 D
Arsenal Leicester D C Kavanagh True True True 0.8697 -0.6499 -0.1960 -0.2841 -0.3034 -0.3468 -0.3278 1.0845 -0.1694 0.3993 0.6260 0.4559 -0.7954 0.0907 -0.2356 0.3003 0.2167 -0.2275 -0.2492 0.0503 1.1509 -0.6962 0.2768 -0.2825 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2768 -0.6962 -0.2825 5.6393 -0.2741 0.5094 0.5094 0.8710 0.7215 0.8310 1.3107 H
Man United Arsenal D A Marriner False False False -0.3242 -1.2661 0.9928 -0.0015 -0.1540 -0.6044 -0.4202 -0.4246 -0.1694 -0.7922 -0.7023 0.0924 -1.2190 1.4230 -0.2356 1.0933 0.9943 -0.2275 -0.2492 0.0503 0.1097 -0.6962 -0.2839 -0.2825 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.2839 -0.6962 -0.2825 0.2870 4.7553 0.1757 0.1757 1.0554 0.3904 1.0846 -1.1017 D
West Brom Newcastle H L Probert False False False -1.0065 0.5826 0.6956 0.2811 -0.2287 -0.7761 -0.3278 0.3299 0.6731 0.3993 -0.7023 -0.2711 0.0518 -1.5746 0.4954 -1.2857 -1.3384 -0.2275 -0.2492 0.8941 0.1097 -0.2023 -0.2839 -0.2825 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.2839 -0.2023 -0.2825 -0.2483 -0.8329 -0.4916 -0.4916 1.1784 1.3838 1.1546 0.1835 D
Man City Crystal Palace H M Oliver False False False 2.0635 -1.2661 0.3984 -0.8494 -0.7615 1.4994 1.4274 2.5935 -1.0119 0.3993 -0.7023 2.6370 -0.7954 1.0899 -0.6011 -0.4927 0.9943 -0.2275 -0.2492 0.8941 2.7128 -0.6962 1.9588 -0.2825 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.9588 -0.6962 -0.2825 -0.7835 -0.8329 2.8450 2.8450 -0.3588 -1.1548 -0.3846 -0.4213 H
Huddersfield Everton A L Probert False False False -0.8359 -0.8553 -0.4932 -0.8494 -0.1540 -0.8620 -0.4202 -1.1792 0.6731 -0.7922 0.6260 -0.9981 0.4754 -0.5754 -0.6011 -0.4927 -1.3384 -0.2275 -0.2492 0.8941 1.1509 0.7855 -0.2839 -0.2825 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.2839 0.7855 -0.2825 -0.7835 -0.2741 0.1757 0.1757 -0.7277 1.3838 -0.7169 0.7024 A
Arsenal West Ham D M Atkinson False False False 1.2108 -0.8553 0.1012 -1.6973 -0.7217 0.8554 0.6191 1.0845 -1.0119 -0.7922 -0.7023 1.1829 -0.7954 -0.2424 -1.6976 0.3003 0.2167 -0.2275 -0.2492 0.0503 -1.4522 0.7855 -0.2839 -0.2825 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.2839 0.7855 -0.2825 2.4279 0.8436 -0.1580 -0.1580 -0.6662 -1.2652 -0.6644 -0.5313 H
Middlesbrough Burnley D M Atkinson False False False -0.3242 -0.8553 -0.4932 0.2811 -0.2138 -0.8620 -0.3624 -1.1792 -1.0119 -0.7922 -0.7023 0.0924 -0.7954 -0.5754 -0.6011 -1.2857 0.9943 -0.2275 -0.2492 0.0503 0.1097 0.2916 -0.2839 -0.2825 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.2839 0.2916 -0.2825 -0.2483 -0.2741 -0.4916 -0.4916 0.1331 -1.2652 0.1402 -0.2151 D
Burnley Stoke D K Friend False False False -1.1770 0.7880 -0.4932 1.4117 -0.2038 -0.7761 -0.3509 -0.4246 -1.0119 -0.7922 -0.7023 -0.6346 -0.7954 -0.9085 0.1299 1.0933 0.2167 -0.2275 -0.2492 0.0503 -0.4110 -0.2023 -0.2839 -0.2825 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.2839 -0.2023 -0.2825 0.2870 -0.8329 -0.1580 -0.1580 -0.9122 -1.2652 -0.9267 -0.6344 H
Southampton Chelsea A C Pawson True True True 0.1874 2.0204 0.6956 -0.0015 -0.3034 -0.3468 -0.3278 -1.1792 1.5155 -0.7922 0.6260 0.4559 0.8990 -0.5754 2.6883 3.4724 -1.3384 -0.2275 -0.2492 -0.7936 -1.4522 -0.2023 -0.2839 -0.2825 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.2839 -0.2023 -0.2825 -0.2483 -0.8329 -0.4916 -0.4916 -0.0513 -0.6029 -0.0785 0.9533 A
learn = None
learn = tabular_learner(data, layers=[400, 100], metrics=[accuracy] )
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy
0 1.187053 na 00:00
1 1.181402 na 00:00
2 1.148650 na 00:00
3 0.991824 na 00:00
4 0.786385 na 00:00
5 0.711735 na 00:00
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
Min numerical gradient: 3.63E-03
Min loss divided by 10: 2.09E-02


I have a pretty decent accuracy right off the bat. I try once more to check if there can be any possible improvements on the accuracy.

learn.fit_one_cycle(2, 5e-02)
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy time
0 0.643659 0.732382 0.800000 00:01
1 0.449729 0.145192 0.955000 00:01
MODEL_PATH = Path('/home/sidravic/Dropbox/code/workspace/football-data/notebooks/footy/EPL_Predictions/models')'model')
learn.recorder.plot(suggestion=True, skip_start=2, skip_end=2)
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy time
0 0.167630 #na# 00:00
1 0.171821 #na# 00:00
2 0.162816 #na# 00:00
3 0.151836 #na# 00:00
4 0.147282 #na# 00:00
5 0.317775 #na# 00:00
  LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
  Min numerical gradient: 3.02E-07
  Min loss divided by 10: 8.32E-03


learn.fit_one_cycle(1, 4e-07)
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy time
0 0.167380 0.154288 0.950000 00:01

No real improvement and the accuracy has marginally slipped. It would make sense, not to save this model and use our last saved version. Either ways the drift is marginal.'model2')


Now the easiest way is to plug in the test data loader into the learner and give it a go.

test1 = (TabularList.from_df(df.iloc[1100:1140].copy(), 

test1.valid = test1.train
test1 = test1.databunch(bs=16)
valid_dl = = test1.valid_dl

A few helper functions to display the batch preds in a easy interpretable way

def get_pred_class(pred_idx): return data.y.classes[pred_idx]
def win_prob(pred, home_tm, away_tm):
    preds = * 100
    return ((home_tm, preds[2]), ('draw', preds[1]), (away_tm, preds[0]))

p = {
    'home_team': [],
    'away_team': [],
    'real_winner': [],
    'predicted': [],
    'prob': []
for idx, row in df.iloc[1100:].iterrows():
    cat, preds, y = learn.predict(row)
    p['prob'].append(win_prob(y, row.HomeTeam, row.AwayTeam))
    print(f'{row.HomeTeam} v {row.AwayTeam} | winner: {row.FTR} | predicted: {get_pred_class(} | prob: {win_prob(y, row.HomeTeam, row.AwayTeam)}')
pred_df = pd.DataFrame(p, columns=['home_team', 'away_team', 'real_winner', 'predicted', 'prob'])

In case we decide to do it as a batch this would be the way to go.

preds, y = learn.get_preds(DatasetType.Valid)
preds, y
[tensor([[2.0051e-08, 1.0250e-06, 1.0000e+00],
         [6.2912e-03, 8.2377e-01, 1.6994e-01],
         [4.3451e-03, 9.5819e-01, 3.7469e-02],
         [6.0256e-08, 1.9831e-06, 1.0000e+00],
         [1.0940e-06, 1.0939e-04, 9.9989e-01],
         [1.5659e-03, 9.6968e-01, 2.8755e-02],
         [1.0000e+00, 1.0993e-07, 1.0714e-11],
         [5.0318e-05, 1.1147e-02, 9.8880e-01],
         [1.5541e-03, 9.4054e-01, 5.7907e-02],
         [3.1620e-08, 8.8461e-07, 1.0000e+00],
         [1.2153e-03, 9.4577e-01, 5.3010e-02],
         [1.0000e+00, 2.4524e-11, 6.1091e-16],
         [1.0271e-05, 2.1882e-03, 9.9780e-01],
         [9.8494e-01, 1.5033e-02, 2.7221e-05],
         [1.0000e+00, 3.4486e-06, 5.1989e-10],
         [9.9140e-01, 8.5899e-03, 1.1520e-05],
         [7.7035e-05, 2.0601e-02, 9.7932e-01],
         [7.0603e-11, 2.4852e-10, 1.0000e+00],
         [2.6422e-03, 9.7562e-01, 2.1737e-02],
         [9.9970e-01, 3.0337e-04, 3.5320e-07],
         [9.8659e-01, 1.3391e-02, 1.5097e-05],
         [1.7928e-05, 2.2702e-03, 9.9771e-01],
         [9.9998e-01, 2.2737e-05, 4.3796e-09],
         [1.2433e-05, 2.0520e-03, 9.9794e-01],
         [5.3454e-08, 2.8971e-06, 1.0000e+00],
         [1.5739e-04, 5.9541e-02, 9.4030e-01],
         [3.2945e-07, 7.6986e-06, 9.9999e-01],
         [4.0183e-04, 1.6876e-01, 8.3084e-01],
         [9.8598e-01, 1.4003e-02, 2.1703e-05],
         [7.3439e-06, 8.1140e-04, 9.9918e-01],
         [9.9995e-01, 5.1998e-05, 3.8103e-08],
         [9.9989e-01, 1.0886e-04, 3.7874e-08],
         [8.3157e-01, 1.6813e-01, 2.9190e-04],
         [9.0401e-01, 9.5341e-02, 6.4794e-04],
         [1.4144e-03, 9.7152e-01, 2.7064e-02],
         [1.0000e+00, 3.4484e-12, 5.4901e-17],
         [9.9999e-01, 6.3331e-06, 1.9858e-09],
         [4.7619e-08, 2.4740e-06, 1.0000e+00],
         [8.8786e-09, 2.5347e-07, 1.0000e+00],
         [1.0000e+00, 1.3758e-11, 6.6039e-16],
         [7.3305e-05, 8.4544e-03, 9.9147e-01],
         [4.3369e-03, 9.8152e-01, 1.4147e-02],
         [9.8093e-01, 1.9040e-02, 3.1459e-05],
         [2.5006e-15, 3.7738e-16, 1.0000e+00],
         [5.6457e-07, 4.0223e-05, 9.9996e-01],
         [3.0686e-03, 9.7244e-01, 2.4490e-02],
         [1.5133e-10, 7.4305e-10, 1.0000e+00],
         [7.1577e-03, 9.5490e-01, 3.7946e-02],
         [1.0000e+00, 1.2809e-11, 2.5820e-16],
         [7.4365e-01, 2.5540e-01, 9.4438e-04],
         [9.0667e-06, 1.5400e-03, 9.9845e-01],
         [7.3865e-01, 2.6089e-01, 4.5760e-04],
         [9.9992e-01, 7.5468e-05, 4.4912e-08],
         [2.9930e-04, 1.4120e-01, 8.5850e-01],
         [7.0433e-03, 9.7617e-01, 1.6790e-02],
         [6.3485e-10, 1.9191e-09, 1.0000e+00],
         [1.7239e-08, 9.1305e-07, 1.0000e+00],
         [9.4074e-01, 5.9174e-02, 8.4152e-05],
         [9.9999e-01, 1.0707e-05, 2.2708e-09],
         [8.5536e-09, 1.2038e-07, 1.0000e+00],
         [9.2613e-01, 7.3789e-02, 7.8120e-05],
         [1.0000e+00, 4.0934e-07, 7.0205e-11],
         [5.8857e-09, 1.1071e-07, 1.0000e+00],
         [2.2252e-07, 1.5476e-05, 9.9998e-01],
         [3.5767e-01, 6.3866e-01, 3.6676e-03],
         [8.4564e-08, 5.6851e-06, 9.9999e-01],
         [8.1584e-09, 7.1270e-08, 1.0000e+00],
         [2.8274e-04, 1.4001e-01, 8.5971e-01],
         [3.4719e-08, 1.6765e-06, 1.0000e+00],
         [9.1471e-06, 1.3780e-03, 9.9861e-01],
         [1.9915e-09, 3.3895e-08, 1.0000e+00],
         [2.8075e-03, 3.4405e-01, 6.5315e-01],
         [3.3313e-08, 1.1647e-06, 1.0000e+00],
         [1.2274e-03, 9.6908e-01, 2.9689e-02],
         [1.5338e-04, 4.1555e-02, 9.5829e-01],
         [5.0213e-01, 4.9529e-01, 2.5754e-03],
         [1.0000e+00, 2.1775e-08, 7.6614e-13],
         [1.3922e-06, 1.5733e-04, 9.9984e-01],
         [1.5799e-09, 3.2996e-08, 1.0000e+00],
         [3.3690e-04, 1.3104e-01, 8.6862e-01],
         [5.3880e-05, 1.3839e-02, 9.8611e-01],
         [3.0079e-03, 9.6067e-01, 3.6323e-02],
         [5.4620e-01, 4.5295e-01, 8.5130e-04],
         [1.9431e-03, 9.7704e-01, 2.1021e-02],
         [2.6660e-03, 8.7079e-01, 1.2655e-01],
         [2.8888e-04, 6.4555e-02, 9.3516e-01],
         [4.2101e-13, 6.6452e-13, 1.0000e+00],
         [9.9990e-01, 9.7159e-05, 3.1167e-08],
         [1.1342e-03, 9.5486e-01, 4.4001e-02],
         [8.5905e-03, 9.2275e-01, 6.8660e-02],
         [9.9999e-01, 9.7550e-06, 1.1301e-09],
         [9.3266e-01, 6.7230e-02, 1.0897e-04],
         [3.9115e-03, 7.3482e-01, 2.6127e-01],
         [6.0041e-10, 5.4048e-09, 1.0000e+00],
         [1.1284e-03, 9.2295e-01, 7.5925e-02],
         [1.3124e-06, 1.7020e-04, 9.9983e-01],
         [9.9998e-01, 1.5319e-05, 4.0238e-09],
         [1.9504e-07, 1.7338e-05, 9.9998e-01],
         [4.5122e-03, 9.7400e-01, 2.1491e-02],
         [7.5449e-05, 1.0782e-02, 9.8914e-01],
         [8.7481e-07, 9.2914e-05, 9.9991e-01],
         [5.2036e-04, 3.3832e-01, 6.6116e-01],
         [6.5914e-01, 3.3820e-01, 2.6523e-03],
         [2.0867e-08, 1.1933e-06, 1.0000e+00],
         [9.9997e-01, 2.7080e-05, 7.9754e-09],
         [3.0707e-03, 9.2773e-01, 6.9200e-02],
         [2.9212e-04, 1.2539e-01, 8.7432e-01],
         [1.9386e-05, 3.9083e-03, 9.9607e-01],
         [1.1301e-10, 9.9393e-10, 1.0000e+00],
         [1.0000e+00, 3.8809e-10, 1.0466e-14],
         [7.6345e-08, 4.7698e-06, 1.0000e+00],
         [1.0000e+00, 7.1187e-07, 6.3179e-11],
         [1.2979e-03, 9.7234e-01, 2.6362e-02],
         [4.3319e-04, 1.0212e-01, 8.9744e-01],
         [3.7007e-05, 9.9883e-03, 9.8997e-01],
         [2.8007e-07, 1.6174e-05, 9.9998e-01],
         [1.1171e-03, 9.0397e-01, 9.4909e-02],
         [7.3747e-04, 5.1015e-01, 4.8912e-01],
         [3.9470e-05, 9.8397e-03, 9.9012e-01],
         [4.7756e-07, 4.6670e-05, 9.9995e-01],
         [1.0000e+00, 6.7053e-08, 2.9022e-12],
         [1.2244e-12, 1.1498e-12, 1.0000e+00],
         [9.9984e-01, 1.6453e-04, 5.1466e-08],
         [5.2102e-07, 2.1912e-05, 9.9998e-01],
         [5.6224e-12, 1.3142e-11, 1.0000e+00],
         [2.3449e-06, 2.6625e-04, 9.9973e-01],
         [8.1402e-05, 2.8432e-02, 9.7149e-01],
         [1.6441e-04, 2.3915e-02, 9.7592e-01],
         [6.9318e-07, 1.2300e-05, 9.9999e-01],
         [5.2000e-01, 4.7893e-01, 1.0677e-03],
         [9.8057e-01, 1.9402e-02, 2.4482e-05],
         [5.2500e-05, 1.9718e-02, 9.8023e-01],
         [1.0736e-03, 9.5955e-01, 3.9374e-02],
         [1.2067e-08, 3.0626e-07, 1.0000e+00],
         [4.0929e-06, 1.1569e-04, 9.9988e-01],
         [3.1287e-07, 1.0990e-05, 9.9999e-01],
         [5.7103e-07, 5.2095e-05, 9.9995e-01],
         [9.2079e-02, 9.0240e-01, 5.5202e-03],
         [8.3045e-04, 4.2220e-01, 5.7697e-01],
         [8.8230e-01, 1.1754e-01, 1.5416e-04],
         [9.9135e-01, 8.6396e-03, 6.5196e-06],
         [7.5588e-09, 2.6280e-07, 1.0000e+00],
         [9.9999e-01, 6.0723e-06, 9.1039e-10],
         [9.9997e-01, 2.5192e-05, 1.1510e-08],
         [2.3995e-05, 5.7824e-03, 9.9419e-01],
         [9.9305e-06, 1.5920e-03, 9.9840e-01],
         [4.9029e-01, 5.0871e-01, 1.0006e-03],
         [2.9363e-07, 2.4547e-05, 9.9998e-01],
         [9.0843e-08, 6.5620e-06, 9.9999e-01],
         [9.6442e-01, 3.5540e-02, 4.0140e-05],
         [1.1668e-04, 1.6933e-02, 9.8295e-01],
         [1.1952e-02, 9.7388e-01, 1.4164e-02],
         [9.8031e-01, 1.9639e-02, 5.2756e-05],
         [9.7492e-01, 2.5030e-02, 4.6443e-05],
         [8.9838e-11, 6.5796e-10, 1.0000e+00],
         [2.2565e-04, 1.1868e-01, 8.8109e-01],
         [7.1050e-05, 1.2195e-02, 9.8773e-01],
         [5.7947e-06, 1.1273e-03, 9.9887e-01],
         [1.0054e-11, 2.2505e-11, 1.0000e+00],
         [2.9132e-05, 6.1546e-03, 9.9382e-01],
         [1.3490e-07, 1.3143e-05, 9.9999e-01],
         [1.0000e+00, 6.8594e-15, 1.0284e-20],
         [4.9874e-07, 5.1488e-05, 9.9995e-01],
         [9.8716e-07, 1.9659e-05, 9.9998e-01],
         [9.9941e-01, 5.8842e-04, 2.2202e-06],
         [9.9631e-01, 3.6835e-03, 3.6951e-06],
         [9.9993e-01, 6.7542e-05, 9.3057e-09],
         [8.6322e-01, 1.3657e-01, 2.0451e-04],
         [3.5355e-02, 9.5404e-01, 1.0609e-02],
         [1.7677e-01, 8.2085e-01, 2.3774e-03],
         [1.1840e-08, 4.1082e-07, 1.0000e+00],
         [5.5252e-03, 9.7984e-01, 1.4639e-02],
         [6.0276e-05, 8.1371e-03, 9.9180e-01],
         [9.9995e-01, 5.3671e-05, 9.2738e-09],
         [6.4632e-13, 1.4714e-12, 1.0000e+00],
         [9.7167e-01, 2.8241e-02, 9.3613e-05],
         [1.4928e-02, 9.6849e-01, 1.6584e-02],
         [9.5643e-03, 9.7970e-01, 1.0735e-02],
         [2.6950e-04, 5.7772e-02, 9.4196e-01],
         [9.9202e-01, 7.9378e-03, 4.6166e-05],
         [2.2270e-06, 1.9584e-04, 9.9980e-01],
         [5.9206e-10, 4.0381e-09, 1.0000e+00],
         [2.8142e-03, 9.7825e-01, 1.8936e-02],
         [1.0407e-03, 7.7026e-01, 2.2870e-01],
         [9.7635e-01, 2.3613e-02, 3.3295e-05],
         [1.9975e-02, 9.6479e-01, 1.5238e-02],
         [1.1929e-02, 9.7989e-01, 8.1767e-03],
         [3.7624e-01, 6.1844e-01, 5.3203e-03],
         [9.7628e-01, 2.3694e-02, 2.9872e-05],
         [3.1192e-08, 6.3648e-07, 1.0000e+00],
         [3.6321e-03, 9.7443e-01, 2.1935e-02],
         [9.9982e-01, 1.7953e-04, 5.4221e-08],
         [7.3868e-10, 7.4133e-09, 1.0000e+00],
         [9.9784e-03, 9.7878e-01, 1.1241e-02],
         [4.1847e-03, 9.7650e-01, 1.9312e-02],
         [9.9920e-01, 7.9761e-04, 5.0813e-06],
         [1.0000e+00, 5.6043e-09, 1.7189e-13],
         [9.9999e-01, 6.8447e-06, 9.3081e-10],
         [8.9872e-01, 1.0116e-01, 1.2437e-04],
         [1.3680e-03, 7.1527e-02, 9.2711e-01]]),
 tensor([2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2,
         2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1,
         0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
         2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2,
         0, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2,
         0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0,
         2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0,
         1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0,
         2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2])]

Our y categories are one of the 3 classes indicating the winner to be the Away team, Home team or a draw.


['A', 'D', 'H']

The predictions as dataframe.

home_team away_team real_winner predicted prob
0 Everton Arsenal H H ((Everton, 95.91294), (draw, 3.9653156), (Arse...
1 Chelsea West Ham H H ((Chelsea, 99.99604), (draw, 0.0032407162), (W...
2 Huddersfield Arsenal A D ((Huddersfield, 0.6011091), (draw, 78.12512), ...
3 Brighton Burnley A A ((Brighton, 3.833617e-06), (draw, 0.04196991),...
4 Liverpool Bournemouth H H ((Liverpool, 100.0), (draw, 7.0475085e-07), (B...
5 Southampton Cardiff A A ((Southampton, 0.0336317), (draw, 16.066362), ...
6 Fulham Man United A A ((Fulham, 2.0389035e-07), (draw, 0.0077300384)...
7 Watford Everton H H ((Watford, 66.78716), (draw, 32.949253), (Ever...
8 Crystal Palace West Ham D D ((Crystal Palace, 2.0793211), (draw, 93.41345)...
9 Cardiff West Ham H H ((Cardiff, 99.99783), (draw, 0.0017247049), (W...
10 Leicester Fulham H H ((Leicester, 99.9985), (draw, 0.00076819153), ...
11 Southampton Tottenham H H ((Southampton, 93.58026), (draw, 6.2125006), (...
12 Crystal Palace Brighton A A ((Crystal Palace, 0.00065600086), (draw, 1.268...
13 Man City Watford H H ((Man City, 99.991135), (draw, 0.0075131604), ...
14 Huddersfield Bournemouth A A ((Huddersfield, 0.0020392684), (draw, 4.043945...
15 Newcastle Everton H D ((Newcastle, 45.162865), (draw, 53.98181), (Ev...
16 Man City Chelsea H H ((Man City, 100.0), (draw, 2.8052786e-11), (Ch...
17 Tottenham Leicester H H ((Tottenham, 99.995056), (draw, 0.003541528), ...
18 Chelsea Wolves D D ((Chelsea, 2.365934), (draw, 93.12464), (Wolve...
19 Arsenal Man United H H ((Arsenal, 99.96575), (draw, 0.031816255), (Ma...
20 Liverpool Burnley H H ((Liverpool, 99.98728), (draw, 0.010542426), (...
21 Wolves Newcastle D D ((Wolves, 1.8315862), (draw, 91.23951), (Newca...
22 Cardiff Huddersfield D D ((Cardiff, 14.202065), (draw, 83.98388), (Hudd...
23 Crystal Palace Watford A A ((Crystal Palace, 0.021291165), (draw, 9.28893...
24 Chelsea Newcastle H H ((Chelsea, 95.84944), (draw, 4.002416), (Newca...
25 West Ham Arsenal H H ((West Ham, 89.728134), (draw, 10.064338), (Ar...
26 Leicester Southampton A A ((Leicester, 0.004756714), (draw, 5.1381216), ...
27 Brighton Liverpool A D ((Brighton, 18.322472), (draw, 67.11339), (Liv...
28 Burnley Fulham H H ((Burnley, 99.13705), (draw, 0.8168621), (Fulh...
29 Leicester Newcastle A A ((Leicester, 0.0016775077), (draw, 2.3392487),...
30 Leicester Chelsea D D ((Leicester, 0.95444053), (draw, 85.15614), (C...
31 Brighton Man City A A ((Brighton, 0.1478293), (draw, 2.7528427), (Ma...
32 Burnley Arsenal A A ((Burnley, 4.756038e-06), (draw, 0.03592212), ...
33 Liverpool Wolves H H ((Liverpool, 99.969795), (draw, 0.016163945), ...
34 Crystal Palace Bournemouth H H ((Crystal Palace, 99.99936), (draw, 0.00033819...
35 Fulham Newcastle A A ((Fulham, 3.3353938e-11), (draw, 1.6640219e-05...
36 Man United Cardiff A A ((Man United, 0.00021095584), (draw, 0.6491422...
37 Southampton Huddersfield D D ((Southampton, 43.924297), (draw, 54.520206), ...
38 Watford West Ham A A ((Watford, 1.571275e-08), (draw, 0.0007987406)...
39 Tottenham Everton D D ((Tottenham, 12.236024), (draw, 82.49956), (Ev...

The learner.

Our models is Linear model with 400 and 100 layers culminating in an output tensor of size 3. My output categories were A, D, H so that makes sense.



Train: LabelList (940 items)
x: TabularList
HomeTeam Sunderland; AwayTeam West Brom; HTR A; Referee S Attwell; LBH_na False; LBD_na False; LBA_na False; HS -1.1770; AS 1.1988; HF -1.0876; AF 0.5638; LBH -0.2038; LBD -0.6903; LBA -0.3624; FTHG -0.4246; FTAG -0.1694; HTHG -0.7922; HTAG 0.6260; HST -0.9981; AST 1.3226; HC 0.0907; AC 0.1299; HY -0.4927; AY 0.9943; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference 0.8941; ft_goal_difference 0.1097; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.7835; away_last4pts -0.8329; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week -1.7115; Day -0.6029; Dayofyear -1.6613; Elapsed -2.1808; ,HomeTeam West Ham; AwayTeam Middlesbrough; HTR D; Referee N Swarbrick; LBH_na False; LBD_na False; LBA_na False; HS 0.8697; AS -0.4445; HF 0.6956; AF 0.2811; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.5185; LBA -0.3047; FTHG -0.4246; FTAG -0.1694; HTHG -0.7922; HTAG -0.7023; HST -0.9981; AST -0.3718; HC -0.5754; AC 0.1299; HY 0.3003; AY 0.9943; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference 0.0503; ft_goal_difference 0.1097; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.7835; away_last4pts -0.8329; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week -1.7115; Day -0.6029; Dayofyear -1.6613; Elapsed -2.1808; ,HomeTeam Swansea; AwayTeam Liverpool; HTR H; Referee M Oliver; LBH_na False; LBD_na False; LBA_na False; HS -1.0065; AS 1.4042; HF 0.1012; AF -0.5668; LBH 2.3357; LBD 0.6407; LBA -0.7804; FTHG -0.4246; FTAG 0.6731; HTHG 0.3993; HTAG -0.7023; HST -0.6346; AST 0.8990; HC -0.9085; AC 1.9573; HY 0.3003; AY 0.2167; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference 0.8941; ft_goal_difference -0.4110; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.7835; away_last4pts -0.8329; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week -1.7115; Day -0.6029; Dayofyear -1.6613; Elapsed -2.1808; ,HomeTeam Watford; AwayTeam Bournemouth; HTR A; Referee M Dean; LBH_na False; LBD_na False; LBA_na False; HS 0.5285; AS -0.0337; HF 1.8844; AF 0.2811; LBH -0.2138; LBD -0.6473; LBA -0.3624; FTHG 0.3299; FTAG 0.6731; HTHG -0.7922; HTAG 0.6260; HST 0.8194; AST -0.7954; HC -0.5754; AC 0.1299; HY 1.0933; AY 1.7719; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference -0.7936; ft_goal_difference 0.1097; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.7835; away_last4pts -0.8329; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week -1.7115; Day -0.6029; Dayofyear -1.6613; Elapsed -2.1808; ,HomeTeam Hull; AwayTeam Chelsea; HTR D; Referee A Taylor; LBH_na False; LBD_na False; LBA_na False; HS -1.0065; AS 2.2259; HF 0.6956; AF 1.1290; LBH 2.0867; LBD 0.3402; LBA -0.7666; FTHG -1.1792; FTAG 0.6731; HTHG -0.7922; HTAG -0.7023; HST -0.6346; AST 2.1698; HC -0.2424; AC 0.8608; HY 0.3003; AY 0.2167; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference 0.0503; ft_goal_difference -0.9316; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.7835; away_last4pts -0.8329; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week -1.7115; Day -0.6029; Dayofyear -1.6613; Elapsed -2.1808; 
y: CategoryList
Path: /home/sidravic/Dropbox/code/workspace/football-data/notebooks/footy/EPL_Predictions/data;

Valid: LabelList (200 items)
x: TabularList
HomeTeam Watford; AwayTeam Brighton; HTR H; Referee J Moss; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 0.8697; AS -1.0607; HF -0.1960; AF 1.4117; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG 0.3299; FTAG -1.0119; HTHG 0.3993; HTAG -0.7023; HST 0.0924; AST -1.6426; HC 0.7569; AC -0.9666; HY 0.3003; AY 0.2167; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference 0.8941; ft_goal_difference 1.1509; loss3_streak -0.2023; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.2023; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts 0.2870; away_last4pts -0.8329; win3_streak -0.1580; home_win3_streak -0.1580; Week 0.9939; Day -0.8237; Dayofyear 0.9797; Elapsed 1.3691; ,HomeTeam Wolves; AwayTeam Everton; HTR D; Referee C Pawson; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS -0.4948; AS -1.0607; HF -0.7904; AF -1.1320; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG 0.3299; FTAG 0.6731; HTHG 0.3993; HTAG 0.6260; HST -0.2711; AST 0.4754; HC -0.9085; AC 0.4954; HY -1.2857; AY -0.5609; HR -0.2275; AR 4.0092; ht_goal_difference 0.0503; ft_goal_difference 0.1097; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.2483; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week 0.9939; Day -0.8237; Dayofyear 0.9797; Elapsed 1.3691; ,HomeTeam Arsenal; AwayTeam Wolves; HTR A; Referee S Attwell; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS -0.6654; AS 0.1718; HF -0.4932; AF 1.4117; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG -0.4246; FTAG -0.1694; HTHG -0.7922; HTAG 0.6260; HST -0.6346; AST 0.4754; HC 1.7561; AC -0.9666; HY 0.3003; AY 0.2167; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference -0.7936; ft_goal_difference 0.1097; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak 0.2768; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak 0.2768; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts 4.5688; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak 0.5094; home_win3_streak 0.5094; Week 0.9939; Day -0.4926; Dayofyear 1.0059; Elapsed 1.3794; ,HomeTeam Man City; AwayTeam Man United; HTR H; Referee A Taylor; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 0.5285; AS -1.0607; HF 0.3984; AF 0.2811; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG 1.0845; FTAG -0.1694; HTHG 0.3993; HTAG -0.7023; HST 0.0924; AST -1.2190; HC -0.2424; AC -1.3321; HY -0.4927; AY -0.5609; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference 0.8941; ft_goal_difference 1.1509; loss3_streak -0.6962; win5_streak 0.8374; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak 0.8374; home_loss3_streak -0.6962; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.7835; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak 1.5104; home_win3_streak 1.5104; Week 0.9939; Day -0.4926; Dayofyear 1.0059; Elapsed 1.3794; ,HomeTeam Liverpool; AwayTeam Fulham; HTR H; Referee P Tierney; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 1.0402; AS -0.6499; HF 0.1012; AF -0.5668; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG 0.3299; FTAG -1.0119; HTHG 0.3993; HTAG -0.7023; HST 0.8194; AST -0.3718; HC 0.0907; AC -0.6011; HY -0.4927; AY -0.5609; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference -0.7936; ft_goal_difference -0.9316; loss3_streak 1.2794; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak 0.9943; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak 1.2794; home_loss5_streak 0.9943; home_last4pts -0.2483; away_last4pts -0.8329; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week 0.9939; Day -0.4926; Dayofyear 1.0059; Elapsed 1.3794; 
y: CategoryList
Path: /home/sidravic/Dropbox/code/workspace/football-data/notebooks/footy/EPL_Predictions/data;

Test: LabelList (40 items)
x: TabularList
HomeTeam Everton; AwayTeam Arsenal; HTR H; Referee K Friend; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 1.5519; AS -0.8553; HF -0.7904; AF -0.5668; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG -0.4246; FTAG -1.0119; HTHG 0.3993; HTAG -0.7023; HST 0.4559; AST -0.7954; HC 1.0899; AC 0.4954; HY -0.4927; AY 1.7719; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference -0.7936; ft_goal_difference -0.4110; loss3_streak -0.2023; win5_streak 0.2768; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak 0.2768; home_loss3_streak -0.2023; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.2483; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak 1.1767; home_win3_streak 1.1767; Week -0.1128; Day -1.2652; Dayofyear -0.1309; Elapsed 2.1870; ,HomeTeam Chelsea; AwayTeam West Ham; HTR H; Referee C Kavanagh; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 0.3580; AS -0.4445; HF -0.7904; AF -1.1320; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG 0.3299; FTAG -1.0119; HTHG 0.3993; HTAG -0.7023; HST 0.8194; AST -0.7954; HC 0.4238; AC -0.2356; HY 0.3003; AY -0.5609; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference -0.7936; ft_goal_difference -0.9316; loss3_streak -0.2023; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.2023; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts 0.2870; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak -0.1580; home_win3_streak -0.1580; Week 0.1331; Day -1.2652; Dayofyear 0.1402; Elapsed 2.2935; ,HomeTeam Huddersfield; AwayTeam Arsenal; HTR A; Referee J Moss; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 0.1874; AS -0.4445; HF 1.8844; AF 0.2811; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG -0.4246; FTAG 0.6731; HTHG -0.7922; HTAG 1.9542; HST 0.4559; AST 0.0518; HC -0.2424; AC -1.6976; HY 1.0933; AY 0.2167; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference -1.6374; ft_goal_difference -0.4110; loss3_streak 5.7245; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak 8.6552; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak 5.7245; home_loss5_streak 8.6552; home_last4pts -0.2483; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week 0.4405; Day -1.4859; Dayofyear 0.3938; Elapsed 2.3932; ,HomeTeam Brighton; AwayTeam Burnley; HTR A; Referee S Attwell; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 0.3580; AS -0.4445; HF -0.7904; AF -1.1320; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG -0.4246; FTAG 1.5155; HTHG -0.7922; HTAG 0.6260; HST 0.4559; AST 0.4754; HC 1.0899; AC -0.6011; HY -0.4927; AY -0.5609; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference 0.8941; ft_goal_difference 1.1509; loss3_streak 2.2672; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak 2.2672; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts 0.8222; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week 0.4405; Day -1.4859; Dayofyear 0.3938; Elapsed 2.3932; ,HomeTeam Liverpool; AwayTeam Bournemouth; HTR H; Referee A Taylor; LBH_na True; LBD_na True; LBA_na True; HS 1.0402; AS 0.1718; HF 0.9928; AF -1.4147; LBH -0.3034; LBD -0.3468; LBA -0.3278; FTHG 1.0845; FTAG -1.0119; HTHG 1.5908; HTAG -0.7023; HST 1.5465; AST -0.7954; HC 0.7569; AC 0.1299; HY 0.3003; AY 0.2167; HR -0.2275; AR -0.2492; ht_goal_difference -1.6374; ft_goal_difference -1.4522; loss3_streak -0.2023; win5_streak -0.2839; loss5_streak -0.2825; away_win3_streak 0.0000; away_win5_streak 0.0000; away_loss3_streak 0.0000; away_loss5_streak 0.0000; home_win5_streak -0.2839; home_loss3_streak -0.2023; home_loss5_streak -0.2825; home_last4pts -0.7835; away_last4pts -0.2741; win3_streak -0.4916; home_win3_streak -0.4916; Week 0.4405; Day -1.4859; Dayofyear 0.3938; Elapsed 2.3932; 
y: EmptyLabelList
Path: /home/sidravic/Dropbox/code/workspace/football-data/notebooks/footy/EPL_Predictions/data, model=TabularModel(
  (embeds): ModuleList(
    (0): Embedding(27, 10)
    (1): Embedding(27, 10)
    (2): Embedding(4, 3)
    (3): Embedding(23, 9)
    (4): Embedding(3, 3)
    (5): Embedding(3, 3)
    (6): Embedding(3, 3)
  (emb_drop): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
  (bn_cont): BatchNorm1d(39, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
  (layers): Sequential(
    (0): Linear(in_features=80, out_features=400, bias=True)
    (1): ReLU(inplace=True)
    (2): BatchNorm1d(400, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
    (3): Linear(in_features=400, out_features=100, bias=True)
    (4): ReLU(inplace=True)
    (5): BatchNorm1d(100, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
    (6): Linear(in_features=100, out_features=3, bias=True)
), opt_func=functools.partial(<class 'torch.optim.adam.Adam'>, betas=(0.9, 0.99)), loss_func=FlattenedLoss of CrossEntropyLoss(), metrics=[<function accuracy at 0x7fc508c12710>], true_wd=True, bn_wd=True, wd=0.01, train_bn=True, path=PosixPath('/home/sidravic/Dropbox/code/workspace/football-data/notebooks/footy/EPL_Predictions/data'), model_dir='models', callback_fns=[functools.partial(<class 'fastai.basic_train.Recorder'>, add_time=True, silent=False)], callbacks=[], layer_groups=[Sequential(
  (0): Embedding(27, 10)
  (1): Embedding(27, 10)
  (2): Embedding(4, 3)
  (3): Embedding(23, 9)
  (4): Embedding(3, 3)
  (5): Embedding(3, 3)
  (6): Embedding(3, 3)
  (7): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
  (8): BatchNorm1d(39, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
  (9): Linear(in_features=80, out_features=400, bias=True)
  (10): ReLU(inplace=True)
  (11): BatchNorm1d(400, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
  (12): Linear(in_features=400, out_features=100, bias=True)
  (13): ReLU(inplace=True)
  (14): BatchNorm1d(100, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
  (15): Linear(in_features=100, out_features=3, bias=True)
)], add_time=True, silent=False)